Welcome, glad you're here! This site is part public service and part business.
Most books and health publications are freely available in the Solara Bookstore. Purchase links are for paperback purchases via Amazon.
If you're a professional seeking unique books or spiritual health education materials, please reach out via my contact form.
Sometimes it takes a long time to understand your calling and purpose-- and sometimes you know when you're five!
As a granddaughter of Spanish immigrants, I was raised in a blended and lively culture. Then, at age 11, I experienced a paradigm-shattering transition when our family relocated from Puerto Rico to Munroe Falls, Ohio. This move thrust me into a profound valley of cultural, social, mental, emotional, and spiritual exploration – a space where I had no choice but to grapple with the complexities of identity, language, and belonging. It's from this 'grappling' and the revelatory and unfolding chapters of my life that my writing and work is sourced.
I have a bachelor's in business management (marketing and communications focus), a master's degree in community health education & promotion and advanced training in energy medicine and life! (hard-knocks style)
My hope is that this site and publications extend comfort and inspiration for your sacred journey.
©2025 Mayra Porrata, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Powered by love.